About Ancestor

Ancestor: quarterly journal of the GSV

The Society's award winning journal, Ancestor, is published quarterly and is available to all members of the Society.  Digital (PDF) and flipbook editions are made available in the Members Area of this website.

Winner of Elizabeth Simpson Award 1980/81, 1986/87, 1987/88 & 2011

journal award

Winner of the Nick Vine Hall Award 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2021

AFFHO Nick V Hall 2015 


Ancestor subscriptions and individual copies may be purchased

Regular features that appear in Ancestor:

Research Corner
A topic of interest to assist you with your research at the GSV, by our Library and Resources Team.

Articles not previously published, with a family history theme, of interest to readers

Recent Additions to the Library
A list of material added to the Library since the last Ancestor.

Jottings from the Journals
Articles and information from various Societies' publications that may be of interest to members, by our Library and Resources Team.

Around the Groups and Circles
News and information about our Discussion circles, Service groups and Member Societies associated with the GSV.

From the Pen of the President
An update on the Society from our President.

Book reviews
Selected books are reviewed.

Getting it Write
Information and help from the GSV Writers Circle.

Blogging with Meg
Reviews & notes about various blog articles of interest.

News from Public Record Office Victoria
Update of happenings at PROV.

News from the Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Highlighting some of the RHSV resources

News page
Update of happenings of interest to GSV members.

Ancestor journal search
GSV Members can now search online, in the GSV catalogue, all articles that have appeared in Ancestor.  Search by Author, Title, Subject or Date by first logging in to the Members Area of this website.

Last updated on 13 May 2024 @ 4:31 pm by 11109