Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Year-end donations appeal

Expiry Date
13 December, 2023

GSV has emerged from the pandemic lockdown period and the Society, our staff and volunteers continue working for the benefit of you and all our members. Our services and help are available online for members at home, or face-to-face for all members who visit our Queen St research centre.

Interest in family history has grown, as has demand for our extensive range of services, especially online. What we offer to our members goes far beyond that of many other online subscription services. But as demand has increased, so have costs.

As the tax year-end approaches and thoughts turn to year-end donations, please consider donating to the GSV as one of the ways to help keep the Society in a sound position, so we can continue providing services and activities for all our members.

Donations to the GSV are tax-deductible. They can be made online through the Donate Now link on the GSV website homepage, or by a call to GSV with your credit card details, or by a cheque in the mail.

Whichever way you choose, all donations large or small will help ensure a healthy future for the GSV and all donations are very much appreciated.

Many thanks.

Stephen Hawke