VicFamilies Research Directory - Submitting data

What is it?

VicFamilies is a database of GSV members' research interests in the state of Victoria. For most people there will be no tedious data entry or transcribing. If you use a genealogy software package e.g. Family Tree Maker, Legacy, Reunion, The Master Genealogist, RootsMagic, you can automatically generate a file to add to the database

There is no limit to the number of entries and no enforced formats for dates & places.  It may be readily updated as your interests develop or change. Any deceased person who lived in Victoria at any stage is a candidate for submission if you are willing to be contacted by others who share your interest.

How do I submit data?

All we require is a *.csv computer file or excel file with the following fields:
Name (preferably separate given name(s) & surname)

  • Birth date
  • Birth place
  • Burial place
  • Marriage date
  • Marriage place
  • Death date
  • Death place
  • Burial date
  • Spouse name (ideally separate given name(s) & surname)

How do I create the file?

Each genealogy program works slightly differently, but the basics are:

1. Filter your data to meet the criteria of any event in Victoria. It is not restricted to a birth, death or marriage. If great grand uncle Fred was born in England, came to the Victorian goldfields, married in NSW and died in Queensland, he will still meet the criteria. However living people should not be included.

2. Create a report / export your data

3. Select filename.csv as the type of report

4. Choose your headings if there is an option to do so

5. Save the data

Check it out

Open the file in Excel, Works, Access or a text editor (e.g. Wordpad or Notepad). Check that the right people and events are present. You may delete rows easily here or edit as required. Add 3 columns with your name and contact details and date submitted. However I can do that if you don’t have the facilities to do it quickly. Save it & send it. If you open your file in excel do check the dates as excel can change dates.

Email it to Meg Bate as an attachment

But my program/version doesn’t allow me to do that…

The same files may be created with conventional spreadsheet, database or table software – you just have to type in the data.  In early versions of Excel make all columns general/text, do not specify date fields. Specify comma separated files for your output, but I can also take tab separated – just advise me.




Last updated on 23 Jun 2022 @ 3:36 pm by Mick Collopy