GSV Webcasts

Number of Webcasts = 3

Presenter: Claudia Hull

Claudia Hull talks about her ancestors the Holmes family who were successful shipbuilders and shipwrights in County…

Date Published: 25 Mar 2023 @ 1:35 am
Duration: 10 minutes

Presenter: Diana Palayan

Diana describes her life of her ancestors who lived and worked in the potteries in Staffordshire. She also outlines…

Date Published: 28 Feb 2023 @ 6:06 am
Duration: 19 minutes

Presenter: Jill Trethewey

This presentation examines the life of a 19th century Officer of Excise based in London. Jill also describes how she…

Date Published: 28 Feb 2023 @ 6:04 am
Duration: 30 minutes
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