GSV Events in February 2021
Now that the kids are back in school - actually in school this year - we grandparents (and others) are free to catch up with our events.
You will have recently read that the Society is moving its Centre during February. During this period our events will continue via Zoom. We have a packed and varied program of events, which are open to all GSV Members.
All are listed on our website.
Writing Course
As previously advised Margaret Vines is conducting her very popular writing course in 1.5 hours sessions over three days – 1, 8 and 15 February. Bookings are limited so investigate the event page and book before it is too late. If you miss out this time, join the Writers Group for encouragement and assistance.
The classes conducted by our librarians Linley Hooper and Meg Bate cover digital topics of interest to family historian. Assistance with your Scottish research is also available.
The various Discussion Circles such as the Writers, DNA Study Group, Counties of Northern England, South West England Research, London Research, British India and the Victoria/Tasmania Circles will all be conducted during the month. These events are open to all Members.
SWERD meet on Feb 12 and have now enlarged this group to include Bristol and Wiltshire.
The Good Oil
The next session will be held on 19 February. Come along with an item of family ephemera and share the story behind the item. This is an open group where we share our experiences and seek assistance to further our family history research. Everyone is welcome.
Special Interest Groups:
The Irish Ancestry Group will meet on 13 February. This group is open to all members and especially those with an interest in Irish family history research.
The International Settlers Group for those researching non-British ancestors will be held on 20 February. Four of the members of this group will talk about their ‘Most Interesting Ancestor’.
Introducing our GSV Member Societies
This is a new series of monthly events where our Member Societies across Victoria are provided with an opportunity to talk about their resources and expertise. On the 25thof this month The Lilydale and District Historical Society will introduce themselves and outline their resources many of which are not available elsewhere.
Talks – We have a program of five talks this month:
· 4 February – Carl Villis from the National Gallery of Victoria will talk about journey of discovery that led to the reattribution of the NGV’s 16thcentury portrait of Lucrezia Borgia.
· 9 February – Alan Rhodes will talk about DNA Auto Clusters – learn how to group your matches into clusters likely to share common ancestors.
· 11 February – Louise Wilson will discuss researching people would arrived in NSW well before 1850 and how to find the resources to support that research.
· 18 February – Steven Haby of the Prahran Mechanics Institute will explore the development and impact of the railways in Melbourne and Victoria across the 19thand 20thcenturies.
· 23 February – Alan Rhodes with introduce the website Gedmatch.
All events may be booked through the GSV Members section of our website. Upon registration you will receive and email containing the zoom meeting details.
Join in, enjoy and discover something new.