International Settlers Group (ISG)(Non-British Research)

ISG Logo

We are a Discussion Circle at the Genealogical Society of Victoria, and as our name suggests, we are interested in Non-British research.

Contact information

Postal Address: International Settlers Group,
C/- GSV,  Level 1, 10 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000 AUSTRALIA


Phone: +61 3 9662 4455

Enquiries: Michael Rumpff                                                                   

Aims of the group

  • Compile and collate genealogical research information on non-British countries.
  • Assist Members with their research activities through correspondence, newsletters and articles in 'Ancestor' the official journal of the GSV.
  • Increase the holdings of the Society's Library relating to non-British research.
  • Sharing experience and resources with our Newsletter.

The International Settlers Group offers you:

  • Assistance with your research problems in Australia and overseas.
  • A chance to meet and get to know fellow members and to exchange activities and ideas.
  • Newsletter published regularly giving activities of the International Settlers Group (ISG), articles of interest and various reports.
  • The opportunity to further your genealogical knowledge through the use of records available within the ISG.
  • Guidance as to the records held in the Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV) library, which may assist you in your particular area of research.
  • An opportunity to contribute information in Our Newsletter.

The International Settlers Group Newsletter (Quarterly)

It is published  quarterly in January, April, July and October. It is recommended reading for any person with an interest in non-British genealogical research. The Newsletter is made available to members on the ISG Notice Board  (Login as a GSV member for access). If required, a hard copy can be mailed for $11 per annum. Please pay that amount through the GSV office, indicating it is for a mailed copy of the ISG Newsletter. If paying by cheque please make it payable to the GSV.  This payment will be regarded as a donation to the GSV.                                                          


  • Held quarterly on the third Saturday in February, May, August and November.

Next Meeting:

Saturday November 16 at 1 pm.

The guest speaker is Alan Haintz, long-time GSV and ISG member, who will help us revisit an important research project of the ISG, that of the emigration from Nieder-Weisel, a small village in Germany, of a significant number of their citizens to the Victorian goldfields in the 1850s. There are a number of members of the GSV who are descendants of this emigration. Alan has an excellent website: for those wanting more information. This meeting will hopefully be a hybrid meeting, on Zoom, and at the GSV.

Future meetings: (held via Zoom)

Register your attendance in the normal way or contact convenor Michael Rumpff to take part:

To register for one of our meetings, please view the list of upcoming events and select the event(s) of interest: Upcoming Events - International Settlers Group (ISG)

Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom link for the meeting.


Last updated on 02 Sep 2024 @ 11:37 am by 11109