DNA Should I Test

DNA should I test

A DNA test can help you extend your family tree, finds cousins and perhaps break through a brick wall in your research.  What is involved in taking a test? Which test should you take? What company? Is it safe?  This webcast will provide guidance on all these questions.

Webcast Duration
23 minutes
Alan Rhodes
Topics related to this webcast

DNA and Family History

DNA and family history

DNA is a powerful tool to help with your family history.  This short introductory webcast describes what the results of a DNA test consist of and how you can start to use them in your family history.  It is an introduction to GSV’s series of genetic genealogy live ZOOM presentations.

Webcast Duration
19 minutes
Alan Rhodes
Topics related to this webcast

DNA Ethnicity Results

DNA Ethnicity Results

DNA tests result give you information on your ethnicity – but what does it mean?  Why don’t the results match my genealogy?  How do I interpret the ethnicity results and use them in my family history?  These questions and more are discussed in this fascinating webcast.

Webcast Duration
33 minutes
Alan Rhodes
Topics related to this webcast